
How do you take something that is pretty gosh darn awesome, and try to make it even betterer? 

My name is Sudarshana Banerjee… I have been geeking out with Kubernetes! The documentation is phenomenal!

Now, I am a student of Neuroscience (Yep. Literally. Post-grad.) and trying to learn about stuff like design thinking and process design. Feels to me like can apply some of that learning here. And, thusly — This!

Get Set K8s is a labor of love. Hope you find it useful!! 

Please find me on LinkedIn if you want to say Hi. Comments/Suggestions welcome! I will also never say no to pizza and beer. Well, almost never. 

Are you interested in the enterprise technology ecosystem? You may find TechTaffy, where I cover deal flows, useful. 

Live long and prosper. May the technology be with you.