

Minikube implements a local Kubernetes cluster on macOS, Linux, and Windows. It runs the latest stable release of Kubernetes, and comes with standard features like multi cluster, node ports, dashboard, and load balancing.

Stuff you wanna know:

  1. Minikube runs a single-node Kubernetes cluster on your personal computer so that you can try out Kubernetes, or for daily development work.
  2. Minikube has a built-in list of applications and services that may be easily deployed, such as Istio or Ingress.
  3. You can use minikube as a Docker Desktop replacement.
  4. Minikube already includes kubectl, if you do not have kubectl installed locally.
  5. Minikube lets you create and test network policies in the local Kubernetes cluster. Minikube can support NetworkPolicies if a supported CNI, such as Calico, is installed.
  6. Minikube has a built-in file sync mechanism.
  7. minikube has built-in support for caching downloaded resources into $MINIKUBE_HOME/cache. For offline use on other hosts, one can copy the contents of ~/.minikube/cache.
  8. You can see detailed log output in minikube.
  9. Kubernetes alpha/experimental features can be enabled or disabled by the --feature-gates flag on the minikube start command.
  10. Minikube comes with Nvidia GPU support, if you were thinking in machine learning terms.
  11. You can run eBPF tools from a Docker container within minikube.

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